lena marie glaser

Lena Marie Glaser is a Vienna based writer, editor and curator. Her work focuses on making women, their work and ideas visible. In summer 2017, she founded basicallyinnovative.com. As the editor-in-chef she writes about contemporary work culture, she invites female experts to share their views about the future of work and visits inspiring female artists in their workspaces (IN THE STUDIO). 


Lena studied law at the University of Vienna. After graduating in 2008, she worked 8 years for the Austrian government (BKA Kunstsektion, BMF and EU Permanent Representation in Brussels). In 2014, she finished her Masters in Politics at the University of Sussex. Moreover, she participated in a journalism course at FJUM Wien.


Lena is very interested in the field of arts, politics and science. She studied cultural politics and wrote about the social situation of young visual artists. She also worked as a project assistant and supported exhibitions in Kunstforum Wien, bäckerstrasse4, Kulturforum Prag and Lighthouse, a digital art agency and gallery in England.

